Thursday, May 1, 2014

Learning to Love Again

So I have vowed to keep this blog up weekly, yet as I sit here, I don't have the thoughts to write. Yet, I made a promise to myself. And now I sit here, typing, and hoping the words will come. If not for anyone else, I sit here, trying to be accountable at least to myself. While sitting here, I remember that my best friend sent my own poetry back to me the other day. I was having a bit of a down day, and I had mentioned that to her. That evening she sent me the last three verses of a poem I have recently written. The three verses go like this:

Don't forget I love thee still,
I will help thee climb the hill.
Reach up to take my arm,
I'll keep thee safe from harm.

Trust in me to make thee strong,
I will carry thee along.
From these wounds will come a time-
Joy and happiness sublime.

Dear child, have some faith,
I come with love unfeigned.
I will not let thee down-
I will be here, all around.

I am grateful to her for reminding me of these words, because these words remind me that God is with me, and though I am not by any means perfect, He still loves me, and always will. My friend reminds me of that Christlike love. Some days I don't know why she-or anyone, for that matter- even cares about me. It makes me realize that I need to be my own best friend. But I am still learning how to do that. My mind simply has not been able to fathom what it means to love, and the fact that there are people who care about me. And that My Savior isn't just going to leave me in the dust to pick myself up and brush off. No. He is there to do the picking up, and when He can't be there, well...He sends angels to be with us. So why should I question that? What makes me too good, or too bad, to have people in my life who love me? New journey...I must learn how to love myself and be my own best friend before I can be of much help to anyone. In reality, I must see myself the way my Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ see me, before I can truly achieve the potential I was created to achieve. That helps. Kind of. Now I just need to take it to my Savior and ask Him to help me, because I know He will. After all, He has been there through everything in the past, right, so why not this too?

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